Uber Hero is an IoT device and online community server that help and protect people away from dangerous before it happens.
It gives their user fake Phone calls to help them disrupt virtual violence and it will automatically call the nearest Uber or Lyft driver to take the user away from the uncomfortable situation to avoid potential dangerous .
The website
I found that 80% of the women I talked to said they were afraid of their safety at night, compared to only 20% of men. One of the primary concerns for women was walking home alone at night. Many women I talked to stated that they almost always planned ahead and carried a pepper spray at night. 60% of the women who stated they felt unsafe at night said that they stayed on the phone with a parent or friend while walking home.”
Brain storming
High lighted solution
User flow
Device + Community
- By simply click once, it will gives their user fake Phone calls to help them disrupt virtual violence.
- Click for 5 seconds it will automatically call the nearest Uber or Lyft driver to take the user away from the uncomfortable situation to avoid potential dangerous .
the website
this is a team work with Lindsey Wu