Hand Therapy Wearable Design and Application

This hand therapy wearable sensor band and application are designed for people who have the needs to do hand therapy exercise by them self. It will help to get the information from hospital, doctors, and therapist to the patient and t0 make the training processing easy and efficient.

Needs from Doctors

We Want Efficient and Convenient Therapy Training


Challenges :

  • How to get the information from hospital, doctors, and therapist to the patient?
  • How to make the training processing easy and efficient for patients to do by themselves?
  • How to get data from the patient?
  • How to make patients stick to the training process and keep them happy?
  • How to evaluate the data and serve the patient individual advice?
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movement 1


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Movement 2



Wearable Design and Prototype


Myo Muscle sensor band

The Myo armband is a wearable gesture control and motion control device that lets you take control of your phone, computer, and so much more, touch-free.

The Myo armband measures electrical activity from your muscles to detect gestures by proprietary EMG sensors on your arm. It transmits this information over a Bluetooth Smart connection to communicate with compatible devices and streams the raw EMG and IMU data for developers to utilize in their projects and applications.


With the raw EMG and IMU data, I make 4 versions of the prototypes for the user to get respond from how and what they are doing during their hand exercise. It measures the amount, strength, the gesture of your hand's movement, and gives notification when you complete all the exercise.

version 1

version 1

version 2

version 2

version 3

version 3

version 4

Application Design


Key Interactions


In order to be efficient as a training app, interfaces and flows got more simplified and focused.After interviews with doctors and tested with users, I confronted several features: Get an exercise plan, Get tutorials, document the process, review the activity, contact with professionals and  get feedbacks, update new exercise plan.

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Login page

Therapy Plan

Adjust strength level

Start Exercise

Training process

Review Activity

Contact with Doctor or therapist